Facilitations for companies that have obtained registration in the Community Eco-Management and Audit System (EMAS)
The Law 23 march 2001 n.93 "Provisions in the environmental field" introduced with article 18, for the companies that have obtained the EMAS registration, the simplification of the administrative procedures required by the environmental regulations (v. Dpr 203/88, Dlg 22/97, Dlg 152/99, Dlg 372/99) for the renewal of the authorizations to operate a plant or for re-registration in the register, through the self-certification made to the competent authorities. The self-certification must be accompanied by a certified copy of the registration certificate obtained pursuant to the EMAS Regulation, as well as by a complaint of continuation of the activity, certifying the compliance of the company, the vehicles and the plants with the legislative and regulatory provisions , with attached a certification of the experiment of tests for this purpose, where foreseen. The self-certification and the accompanying documents replace all the effects of the authorization for the continuation, or the exercise of the activities foreseen by the environmental rules reported above, and to them are applied, as compatible, the provisions of the Decree of the President of the Republic April 26, 1992, n. 300, and subsequent amendments. The provisions of article 21 of the law of 7 August 1990, n. 241, and subsequent amendments. Self-certification and the accompanying documents retain their effectiveness up to a maximum period of one hundred and eighty days following the date of forfeiture, for whatever reason, of the validity of the registration obtained pursuant to the EMAS Regulation. Save the application of specific sanctions and unless the fact constitutes a more serious crime, in case of ascertained difference with respect to the provisions of the rules, article 483 of the penal code is applied to anyone who has signed the above documentation.